Release and Relax.

When we learn to let go of the control we have of the world, we typically see that we were never in control anyway. We don’t know what will happen in the next minute, second, or hour but we have this…


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How to Make Sure Your Bugs Are Caught Early

Here is another post from our development insight series.

Today our focus will be on QA (testing your product). This is one of the most important but often overlooked topics in software development. Here are some actionable strategies that you can employ to improve your own QA process.

This starts with the project management software you use. We use Trello to build a streamlined QA process.

How our Trello Board ensures effective QA:

All of our boards have the following columns:

Now that you understand the basic structure. We’ll focus in on the QA to Test column.

After they test and confirm a feature is working, we require that our QA testers upload a video OR screenshot to the ticket to verify. Our Product Manager won’t even look at the ticket unless there is a video or screenshot of what the developer has done and what they have approved.

We do this for a few reasons:

The outcome: We’ve been doing this for the last year and our projects have seen a tremendous improvement in terms of quality.

‘Till next time

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