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What Keeps You From Writing?

For this week, I have a question that will draw in many different people with different answers.

“What keeps you from sitting down and writing?”

What is stopping that next killer blog post, mind-blowing novel, informative white paper or life-changing e-books from pouring out of your mind and onto paper?

When we decide to be writers, all sorts of criticism and judgment from others may show up. And often, we don’t recognise our uncertainties and our fears for what they truly are. They hide behind to-do lists, cloaked in victimhood and responsibility to others, disguised in blame and shame through which we are incapable of seeing ourselves truthfully.

It took me some time to realise the things that others may say or have said to me about my writing. Here are just a few things that showed up:

After hearing those noises, we tend to turn internally, saying to ourselves in the privacy of our own minds at our desk with no words flowing: “I want to get up and walk away from writing.” And those doubts that were at the back of your mind starts getting louder:

Sometimes, of course, quitting is sensible. There’s no point carrying persistently on with something that you’ve lost all interest in.

BUT often, quitting isn’t the right choice. Perhaps a week later, a month later, or a year later, you find yourself wishing you’d just stuck with writing a little longer.

It could be that you’re going through a difficult period of your life, such as you have very young children, or maybe you have a chronic energy-depleting illness, or perhaps you work crazy hours at your day job.

It could be that you’ve received some really discouraging feedback, such as a nasty comment on one of your blog posts, or a mocking review of your first published novel, or an unusually harsh review of your work from a writing buddy.

Maybe your dearest and nearest don’t “get” your writing and is not being supportive. There are many writers blessed with a family full of wonderful sources of support. However, there are also many writers with partners, parents or friends who see their writing as a waste of time.

None of these is easy to overcome. Some people might casually tell you that “you’ll find time for it if it’s a priority” or “ignore trolls and haters.” But of course, it’s not that easy.

If your life isn’t currently very well-matched with writing:

If you’ve had some discouraging feedback:

If your nearest and dearest don’t “get” your writing:

I can’t talk you into sticking with it, nor can I sit with you while you write and encourage you to keep going.

But I can tell you this:

That poem you’re working on could be the one bright spot in someone’s crappy day. That novel you’re writing could become someone’s favourite for years and years to come. That blog post you’ve outlined could be exactly what someone needs to finally break through a barrier. And this won’t just happen once. This will happen repeatedly.

Don’t let your fears or uncertainties rob the world of what you have to give. Become capable to see yourself truthfully.

“So, what keeps you from sitting down and writing?”

Don’t be shy and have your say in the comment section 🙂

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